Why does ozone hole form over Antarctica ? How will enhanced ultraviolet radiation affect us ?

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Chlorofluorocarbons, mainly released in the atmosphere by developed countries, slowly enters the stratosphere and the winds move them towards the poles. Environment conditions prevailing in Antarctica during winter months (June to August) are conducive for the formation of ozone hole. In these month, there is no sunlight in Antarctica and extremely low temperature (85C) facilitates the formation of ice clouds. during winter, natural circulation of wind (polar vortex) completely isolates antartic air from the rest of the world. The ice clouds provide the catalytic surface for the reaction of chlorine atoms and then ozone. But this degradation of ozone occurs with the return of solar radiations to Antarctica during spring (September and October). This results in the thinking of ozone layer every year over most of Antarctica. This hole disappears in summer due to warming up of air and the mixing up of antarctic air with that of the rest of the world
Enhanced UV radiations on earth would a effect humans and other animals by causing.
(i) skin cancer,
(ii) Blidness and increased chances of cateract in eyes, and
(iii) Malfunctioning of immune system.
