Obtain the binding energy of the nuclei 5626Fe and 20983Bi in units of MeV from the following data:
m(5626Fe)=55.934939u m(20983Bi)=208.980388uSolution in Kannada
8.79 MeV, 7.84 MeV
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View SolutionObtain the binding energy of the nuclei 26Fe56and83Bi209 in units of MeV from the following data:
m(83Bi209)= 208.980388u
View Solutionदिया गया है
mप्रोटॉन=1.007825u तथा mन्यू्ट्रॉन=1.008665u
तब Fe एवं Bi की प्रति न्यूक्लिऑन बंधन ऊर्जा क्रमशः होगी
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