Stopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity (υ0) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, −a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of υ0 and a.Solution in Bengali
Let the distance travelled by the vehicle before it stops be ds. Then, using equation of motion υ2=υ20+2ax, and noting that υ=0, we have the stopping distance
Thus, the stopping distance is proportional to the square of the initial velocity. Doubling the initial velocity increases the stopping distance by a factor of 4 (for the same deceleration). For the car of a particular make, the braking distance was found to be 10 m, 20 m, 34 m and 50 m corresponding to velocities of 11, 15, 20 and 25 m/s which are nearly consistent with the above formula. Stopping distance is an important factor considered in setting speed limits, for example, in school zones.
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View SolutionGet an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of intial velocity va and deceleration "a"…
View SolutionStopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity (υ0) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, −a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of υ0 and a.
View SolutionStopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity (υ0) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, −a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of υ0 and a.
View SolutionStopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity (upsilon_(0)) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, -a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of upsilon_(0) and a.
View SolutionStopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initialy velocity (v_(0)) and the braking capacity, or deceleration -a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of v_(0) and a .
View SolutionStopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity (υ0) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, −a that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of υ0 and a.
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