Prolific Indian painter Maqbool Fida Husain predominantly used which of these animals to depict a lively and free spirit in his paintings?
The correct Answer is:B
M. F. Husain was an Indian painter, regarded as India.s most prolific and world-renowned artist.
• He was one of the founding members of Bombay progressive Artists. Group.
• He is known for his brightly colored works depicting horses, urban landscapes.
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Animal rights
People who support animal rights recognise that all animals have an inherent worth a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. Every being with a will to live has the right to live free from exploitation and suffering.
All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and familial love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account. People often ask if animal rights mean that animals should have the right to vote or drive a car. Of course, that would be silly because those aren't rights that would benefit animals. But animals have the right not to suffer at the hands of humans and to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation because they have an interest in doing so. That is the difference between equal consideration and equal treatment Almost everyone cares about animals in some context, whether it's a beloved family companion, an irresistibly cute kitten or a majestic wild animal seen in a documentary. After all, we each have some built-in capacity for empathy and compassion, as can be seen from the lengths that children often go to in order to help animals. Logically and morally, there is no reason to differentiate in the way we treat the animals we share our homes with and those who are farmed for food. They are all individuals, with the same capacity to feel pain and fear. Animal rights help us to look past the arbitrary distinctions between different species, to rediscover our innate compassion, and to respect all animals equally. Anyone who cares about animals can start putting these principles into practice every single day with the food they eat, the clothes they wear, and the products they buy. These choices are a form of non-violent protest that makes a real difference both by reducing the profits of corporations that harm or kill animals and by creating a growing market for cruelty-free food, fashion, services, and entertainment.
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Knowledge Check
Prolific Indian Painter Maqbool Fida Hussain predominantly used which of these animals to depict a lively and free spirit in his paintings?
ATigersBCowsCElephantsDHorsesThe animal which is used by Indian army in mountain terrains
AHorseBMuleCDonkeyDCamelOne day when king Rama was sit ting on his (981) his ring fell off. When it touched the earth, it made a hole in the ground and disappeared into it. It was (982). His trusty henchman, Ha numan, was (983) his feet. Rama said to Hanuman, "Look, my ring is lost. (984) it for me."
Now Hanuman cari enter anyhole, no matter how tiny. He had the power to become the smallest of the small and larger than the largest thing. So he took on a (985) form and went down the hole.
He went and went and went and (986) fell into the netherworld. There were women down there. “Look, a tiny monkey! It's fallen from above? Then they caught him and placed him on a platter (thali). The King of Spirits (bhut). who lives in the netherworld, likes to eat animals. So Hanuman was sent to him as part of his dinner, along with his vegetables. Haruman sat on the platter, (987) what to do.
While this was going on in the netherworld, Rama sat on his throne on the earth above. The (988) Vasist ha and the (989) Brahma came to see him. They said to Rama, "We want to talk privately with you. We don't want anyone to (990) what we say or inter rupit. Do wc agrcc * "All right." said Rama, "We'll talk.AReplaceBMakeCReturnDFind
One day when king Rama was sit ting on his (981) his ring fell off. When it touched the earth, it made a hole in the ground and disappeared into it. It was (982). His trusty henchman, Ha numan, was (983) his feet. Rama said to Hanuman, "Look, my ring is lost. (984) it for me."
Now Hanuman cari enter anyhole, no matter how tiny. He had the power to become the smallest of the small and larger than the largest thing. So he took on a (985) form and went down the hole.
He went and went and went and (986) fell into the netherworld. There were women down there. “Look, a tiny monkey! It's fallen from above? Then they caught him and placed him on a platter (thali). The King of Spirits (bhut). who lives in the netherworld, likes to eat animals. So Hanuman was sent to him as part of his dinner, along with his vegetables. Haruman sat on the platter, (987) what to do.
While this was going on in the netherworld, Rama sat on his throne on the earth above. The (988) Vasist ha and the (989) Brahma came to see him. They said to Rama, "We want to talk privately with you. We don't want anyone to (990) what we say or inter rupit. Do wc agrcc * "All right." said Rama, "We'll talk.
View SolutionOne day when king Rama was sit ting on his (981) his ring fell off. When it touched the earth, it made a hole in the ground and disappeared into it. It was (982). His trusty henchman, Ha numan, was (983) his feet. Rama said to Hanuman, "Look, my ring is lost. (984) it for me."
Now Hanuman cari enter anyhole, no matter how tiny. He had the power to become the smallest of the small and larger than the largest thing. So he took on a (985) form and went down the hole.
He went and went and went and (986) fell into the netherworld. There were women down there. “Look, a tiny monkey! It's fallen from above? Then they caught him and placed him on a platter (thali). The King of Spirits (bhut). who lives in the netherworld, likes to eat animals. So Hanuman was sent to him as part of his dinner, along with his vegetables. Haruman sat on the platter, (987) what to do.
While this was going on in the netherworld, Rama sat on his throne on the earth above. The (988) Vasist ha and the (989) Brahma came to see him. They said to Rama, "We want to talk privately with you. We don't want anyone to (990) what we say or inter rupit. Do wc agrcc * "All right." said Rama, "We'll talk.
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A. Creativity
B. Observation
C. Classification skill
D. data collection
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