Gene flow occurs through generations. Gene flow can occur across language barriers in humans. If we have a technique of measuring specific allele frequencies in different population of the world, can we not predict human migratory patterns in pre-history and history ? Do you agree of disagree ? Provide explanation to your answer.
Yes, I agree. Gene flow occurs through generations. Studies under Human Genographic Project, the scientists, by studying specific allele frequencies of specific genes/chromosomes/mitochondrial DNA, have traced the human migratory patterns and evolutionary trend in pre-history and history
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I must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
Complete the following statement based on your understanding of Patel's speech. The first and foremost duty of the young nation is _________________________________.
View SolutionThere is a great deal of violence in the world. There is physical violence and also inward violence. Physical violence is to kill, to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate and inwardly, inside the skin, to dislike people, to hate people, to criticise people. Inwardly, we are always quarrelling, battling, not only with others but with ourselves. We want people to change, we want to force them to our way of thinking.
In the world, as we grow up, we see a great deal of violence, at all levels of human existence. The ultimate violence is war - the killing for ideas, for so-called religious principles, for nationalities, the killing to preserve a little piece of land. To do that, man will kill, destroy, maim, and also be killed himself. There is enormous violence in the world, the rich wanting to keep people poor, and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich. And you, being caught in society, are also going to contribute to this.
There is violence between husband, wife, and children. There is violence, antagonism, hate, cruelty, ugly criticism, anger - all this is inherent in man, inherent in each human being. It is inherent in you. And education is supposed to help you to go beyond all that, not merely to pass an examination and get a job. You have to be educated so that you become a really beautiful, healthy, sane, and rational human being, not a brutal man with a very clever brain who can argue and defend his brutality. You are going to face all this violence as you grow up. You will forget all that you have here, and will be caught in the stream of society. You will become like the rest of the cruel, hard, bitter, angry, violent, people and you will not help to bring about a new society, a new world.
However, a new world is necessary. A new culture is necessary. The old culture is dead, buried, burnt, exploded, and vaporised. You have to create a new culture. A new culture cannot be based on violence. The new culture depends on you because the older generation has built a society based on violence, based on aggressiveness and it is this that has caused all the confusion, all the misery. The older generations have produced this world and you have to change it. You cannot just sit back and say, "I will follow the rest of the people and seek success and position." If you do, your children are going to suffer. You may have a good time, but your children are going to pay for it. Therefore, you have to take all that into account, the outward cruelty of man to man in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of self-importance, in the name of the security of the family. You will have to consider the outward cruelty and violence, and the inward violence which you do not yet know.
What is the physical violence that J. Krishnamurti is talking about?
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I must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
The first and foremost thing Patel stressed to be done is _________________________________________.Ato make the country strong and unitedBto give employment to everyoneCto fight a war against those who oppressed usDto make every citizen feel happyI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
'India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower' means_____________________________.AIndia has a vibrant economyBIndia's natural resources and population are a great resourceCIndia's lack of manpowerDIndians are a great resource for developmentI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
The occasion of the speech of Sardar Patel here is ______________________.Aan address to a public gatheringBa convocation address at a universityCa speech in Indian ParliamentDa speech delivered to civil servants
There is a great deal of violence in the world. There is physical violence and also inward violence. Physical violence is to kill, to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate and inwardly, inside the skin, to dislike people, to hate people, to criticise people. Inwardly, we are always quarrelling, battling, not only with others but with ourselves. We want people to change, we want to force them to our way of thinking.
In the world, as we grow up, we see a great deal of violence, at all levels of human existence. The ultimate violence is war - the killing for ideas, for so-called religious principles, for nationalities, the killing to preserve a little piece of land. To do that, man will kill, destroy, maim, and also be killed himself. There is enormous violence in the world, the rich wanting to keep people poor, and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich. And you, being caught in society, are also going to contribute to this.
There is violence between husband, wife, and children. There is violence, antagonism, hate, cruelty, ugly criticism, anger - all this is inherent in man, inherent in each human being. It is inherent in you. And education is supposed to help you to go beyond all that, not merely to pass an examination and get a job. You have to be educated so that you become a really beautiful, healthy, sane, and rational human being, not a brutal man with a very clever brain who can argue and defend his brutality. You are going to face all this violence as you grow up. You will forget all that you have here, and will be caught in the stream of society. You will become like the rest of the cruel, hard, bitter, angry, violent, people and you will not help to bring about a new society, a new world.
However, a new world is necessary. A new culture is necessary. The old culture is dead, buried, burnt, exploded, and vaporised. You have to create a new culture. A new culture cannot be based on violence. The new culture depends on you because the older generation has built a society based on violence, based on aggressiveness and it is this that has caused all the confusion, all the misery. The older generations have produced this world and you have to change it. You cannot just sit back and say, "I will follow the rest of the people and seek success and position." If you do, your children are going to suffer. You may have a good time, but your children are going to pay for it. Therefore, you have to take all that into account, the outward cruelty of man to man in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of self-importance, in the name of the security of the family. You will have to consider the outward cruelty and violence, and the inward violence which you do not yet know.
How has J. Krishnamurti given the feelings of the rich and the poor in the given paragraph?
View SolutionI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
What did Patel not mean when he said, "You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations"? Tick the right answer.
View SolutionI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
One major characteristic of university education, as Sardar Patel believes, is _______________________________________.
View SolutionI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors - have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 - 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
Patel feels that future generations will heap curses on us if ________________________________.
View SolutionI must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds : those achieved by one's own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection, and, therefore, with your blessings and God's grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.
On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.
There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence. The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.
In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.
I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.
The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors — have to be cautious and on guard.
The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation's resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us. India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single-minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.
The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us. There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India.
This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship, we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.
(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January, 1948 – 31 December, 1948), Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase:
What is the greatest danger for India as Patel believes in his speech?
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