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What is fertilization? State its significance.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Fertilization:
- Fertilization is the biological process in which a male gamete (sperm) and a female gamete (ovum) unite to form a zygote. This process typically occurs in the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system.

2. Process of Fertilization:
- In humans, fertilization occurs through coitus, where sperm is deposited in the female reproductive tract and travels to meet the ovum. Upon successful fusion of the sperm and ovum, a zygote is formed.

3. Formation of Zygote:
- The zygote is the initial cell formed when the sperm fertilizes the ovum. This single cell will undergo multiple divisions and eventually develop into an embryo.

4. Significance of Fertilization:
- Increase in Progeny: Fertilization leads to the formation of new individuals, contributing to the continuation of the species.
- Genetic Variation: The process introduces genetic variations among offspring due to the combination of genetic material from both parents. This variation is crucial for evolution and adaptation.
- Chromosomal Shuffling: Fertilization results in the shuffling of chromosomes, which can reduce the likelihood of genetic diseases and disorders in the offspring.
- Continuation of Species: It ensures the propagation of the species, allowing for the survival and evolution of organisms over generations.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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