Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution for the Question: What is Budding?

1. Definition of Budding: Budding is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud on the parent organism.

2. Formation of Bud: In the process of budding, the parent body produces an outgrowth known as a "bud." This bud is a small, immature version of the organism.

3. Development of Daughter Individual: The bud grows and develops into a new individual, which is referred to as a daughter organism.

4. Separation from Parent: Once the bud has matured sufficiently, it separates from the parent organism, becoming an independent entity.

5. Examples of Budding: Common examples of organisms that reproduce by budding include yeast (a type of fungus), hydra (a freshwater cnidarian), and certain marine sponges.

6. Visual Representation: If we visualize the process, we can see a parent organism (like a hydra) with a bud developing on its body. As the bud grows, it eventually detaches to form a new organism.

7. Conclusion: Budding is a significant method of asexual reproduction, allowing organisms to reproduce without the need for gametes or fertilization.
