Modernity-snobbery, though not oxclusive to our age, has come to assume an unprecedented importance. The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character. Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption. Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. At the same time the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.
For industrial prosperity, 'modernity-snobbery' is important because it induces people to


buy only the most expensive articles to maintain social position


help in the production of duplicate articles


buy articles which are perishable


discard old things for new ones

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The correct Answer is:D

discard old things for new ones


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  • Modernity-snobbery, though not exclusive to our age, has come to assume an unprecedented importance. The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character. Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption. Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. At the same time the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.
    The best definition of the term Modernity-snobbery is

    Apaying too much attention to use things of the latest design
    Bgiving undue attention to social position
    Cbetter status for those who are up-to-date
    Dthose who are modern get more respect in the society
  • Modernity-snobbery, though not oxclusive to our age, has come to assume an unprecedented importance. The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character. Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption. Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. At the same time the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.
    According to the author, 'modern machinery' is giving rise to

    Amore waste
    Bindustrial prosperity.
    Cmore markets
    Dvariety to the consumers
  • Modernity-snobbery, though not oxclusive to our age, has come to assume an unprecedented importance. The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character. Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption. Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. At the same time the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.
    The expression production is outrunning consumption' means

    Aproduction is falling short of consumption
    Bconsumption is much more than production
    Cproduction is in excess of consumption
    Dproduction and consumption are running close to each other