In April 2017, to address growing unemployment, which country has abolished the 457 Visa Programme used by thousands of temporary foreign workers, a majority of them Indians?
The correct Answer is:C
Australia, in April 2017, abolished the 457 Visa Programme used by thousands of temporary foreign workers, a majority of them Indians to address growing unemployment in that country.Instead, Australia wants to adopt Australians first approach to skilled migration.
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How far a seismic facility can eavesdrop does not depend on the distance from the test but on the seismic characteristics of its location, as faultlines which run for thousands of kilometres are effective conveyors of sound. For example, the Indian seismic sniffer at Gauribidanoor near Bangalore keeps its ear right to the ground for sounds of nuclear activity from as far as Lop Nor in China. The US may have extracted a major concession from Pakistan on the promise that the seismic test facility could serve as an excuse to get around Pressler Act by convincing the US Congress that this will be a foolproof way of monitoring the Pakistani promise of freezing its nuclear programme. US officials, however, assert that there is nothing new in it.
Seismic tests can be conducted on another country's activities, too.
View SolutionHow far a seismic facility can eavesdrop does not depend on the distance from the test but on the seismic characteristics of its location, as faultlines which run for thousands of kilometres are effective conveyors of sound. For example, the Indian seismic sniffer at Gauribidanoor near Bangalore keeps its ear right to the ground for sounds of nuclear activity from as far as Lop Nor in China. The US may have extracted a major concession from Pakistan on the promise that the seismic test facility could serve as an excuse to get around Pressler Act by convincing the US Congress that this will be a foolproof way of monitoring the Pakistani promise of freezing its nuclear programme. US officials, however, assert that there is nothing new in it.
Pressler Act supports the nuclear programme of Pakistan.
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In order to attract foreign manufacturing firms, a country needs to developAAgrarian facilitiesBCultivable landsCMedia facilitiesDInfrastructure facilitiesI. Read the following text and answer the following. questions on the basis of the same: India's atomic energy programme: The atomic energy programme in India was launched around the time of independence under the leadership of Homi J. Bhabha (1909-1966). An early historic achievement was the design and construction of the first nuclear reactor in India (named Apsara) which went critical on August 4, 1956. India indigenously designed and constructed plutonium plant at Trombay, which ushered in the technology of fuel reprocessing (separating useful fissile and fertile nuclear materials from the spent fuel of a reactor). Research reactors that have been subsequently commissioned include ZERLINA, PURNIMA (I, II and III), DHRUVA and KAMINI. KAMINI is the country's first large research reactor that uses U-233 as fuel. The main objectives of the Indian Atomic Energy programme are to provide safe and reliable electric power for the country's social and economic progress and to be self reliant in all aspects of nuclear technology. Exploration of atomic minerals in India undertaken since the early fifties has indicated that India has limited reserves of uranium, but fairly abundant reserves of thorium. Accordingly, our country has adopted a three stage strategy of nuclear power generation. The first stage involves the use of natural uranium as a fuel, with heavy water as moderator. The Plutonium-239 obtained from reprocessing of the discharged fuel from the reactors then serves as a fuel for the second stage - the fast breeder reactors. They are so called because they use fast neutrons for sustaining the chain reaction (hence no moderator is needed) and, besides generating power, also breed more fissile species (plutonium) than they consume. The third stage, most significant in the long term, involves using fast breeder reactors to produce fissile Uranium-233 from Thorium-232 and to build power reactors based on them.
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II. Luminosities
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How far a seismic facility can eavesdrop does not depend on the distance from the test but on the seismic characteristics of its location, as faultlines which run for thousands of kilometres are effective conveyors of sound. For example, the Indian seismic sniffer at Gauribidanoor near Bangalore keeps its ear right to the ground for sounds of nuclear activity from as far as Lop Nor in China. The US may have extracted a major concession from Pakistan on the promise that the seismic test facility could serve as an excuse to get around Pressler Act by convincing the US Congress that this will be a foolproof way of monitoring the Pakistani promise of freezing its nuclear programme. US officials, however, assert that there is nothing new in it.
The US has set up a seismic test centre in Pakistan.
View SolutionConsider the following statements:
1. H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa in US under section 101(a)(15)(H) of Immigration and Nationality Act.
2. H-1B visa allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.
3. United States has announced to provide work permits to spouses of H-1B visa holders from 26 May 2015.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
View SolutionI. Read the following text and answer the following. questions on the basis of the same: India's atomic energy programme: The atomic energy programme in India was launched around the time of independence under the leadership of Homi J. Bhabha (1909-1966). An early historic achievement was the design and construction of the first nuclear reactor in India (named Apsara) which went critical on August 4, 1956. India indigenously designed and constructed plutonium plant at Trombay, which ushered in the technology of fuel reprocessing (separating useful fissile and fertile nuclear materials from the spent fuel of a reactor). Research reactors that have been subsequently commissioned include ZERLINA, PURNIMA (I, II and III), DHRUVA and KAMINI. KAMINI is the country's first large research reactor that uses U-233 as fuel. The main objectives of the Indian Atomic Energy programme are to provide safe and reliable electric power for the country's social and economic progress and to be self reliant in all aspects of nuclear technology. Exploration of atomic minerals in India undertaken since the early fifties has indicated that India has limited reserves of uranium, but fairly abundant reserves of thorium. Accordingly, our country has adopted a three stage strategy of nuclear power generation. The first stage involves the use of natural uranium as a fuel, with heavy water as moderator. The Plutonium-239 obtained from reprocessing of the discharged fuel from the reactors then serves as a fuel for the second stage - the fast breeder reactors. They are so called because they use fast neutrons for sustaining the chain reaction (hence no moderator is needed) and, besides generating power, also breed more fissile species (plutonium) than they consume. The third stage, most significant in the long term, involves using fast breeder reactors to produce fissile Uranium-233 from Thorium-232 and to build power reactors based on them.
The main objectives of the Indian Atomic Energy programme:
View SolutionThe US Senate's approval of an immigration Bill has been welcomed in India as well as in the IT industry in America because of the proposal of double Hl-B visas for skilled foreign workers. However, the more important bit in the legislation, if approved by House of Representations, is the lifeline to millions of illegal immigrants in the US. Some of the key proposals in the Bill include allowing illegal immigrants, who have been in America for five years, to become legal residents by paying a certain amount in fines and back taxes. Those who have been in the country between two and five years can go to a point of entry at the US border and file an application. There is also a provision for creating a guest worker programme especialy meant for farm workers. There are welcome moves to recognise the huge presence-according to some estimates 12 to 15 million- of illegal immigrants in the US and legitimising their existence. But it must be understood that the US is not considering this legislation out of a sense of altruism. The truth is that the bulk of immigrans are doing jobs that Americans simply don't want to do. They are employed in jobs that pay minimum wages and entail long working hours. But giving illegal immigrants the opportunity to become legal residents will at least ensure that they are not exploited by employers and that they are covered by social security benefits. American legislators, however need to go beyond this. They must recognise that the US needs trained people in various fields, particularly in schools and hospitals. India with its vast population of educated youth is a natural source of such personnel. Instead of just targetting India for its best brains, The US should open up its labour market for more school teachers, nurses and technicians from India Compared to Mexicans, the largest component of immigrants in the US, Indians have a natural advantage in that they know English. They would also he willing to work in America's inner cities and other supposedly 'hardship' stations. Along with nuclear deals and technology transfer, the two largest English-speaking democracies must realise that they could mutually benefit from bilateral employment agreements. India, with its one-billion plus and growing population, has the potential of supplying First World nations with declining birth rates much-needed labour. Based on the passage given above, answer to the questions which follow:
Consider the following statements:
1. The number of farm workers in the US is between 12 to 15 million.
2. The types of jobs which engage the immigrants are not sought after by the Americans.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
View SolutionThe US Senate's approval of an immigration Bill has been welcomed in India as well as in the IT industry in America because of the proposal of double Hl-B visas for skilled foreign workers. However, the more important bit in the legislation, if approved by House of Representations, is the lifeline to millions of illegal immigrants in the US. Some of the key proposals in the Bill include allowing illegal immigrants, who have been in America for five years, to become legal residents by paying a certain amount in fines and back taxes. Those who have been in the country between two and five years can go to a point of entry at the US border and file an application. There is also a provision for creating a guest worker programme especialy meant for farm workers. There are welcome moves to recognise the huge presence-according to some estimates 12 to 15 million- of illegal immigrants in the US and legitimising their existence. But it must be understood that the US is not considering this legislation out of a sense of altruism. The truth is that the bulk of immigrans are doing jobs that Americans simply don't want to do. They are employed in jobs that pay minimum wages and entail long working hours. But giving illegal immigrants the opportunity to become legal residents will at least ensure that they are not exploited by employers and that they are covered by social security benefits. American legislators, however need to go beyond this. They must recognise that the US needs trained people in various fields, particularly in schools and hospitals. India with its vast population of educated youth is a natural source of such personnel. Instead of just targetting India for its best brains, The US should open up its labour market for more school teachers, nurses and technicians from India Compared to Mexicans, the largest component of immigrants in the US, Indians have a natural advantage in that they know English. They would also he willing to work in America's inner cities and other supposedly 'hardship' stations. Along with nuclear deals and technology transfer, the two largest English-speaking democracies must realise that they could mutually benefit from bilateral employment agreements. India, with its one-billion plus and growing population, has the potential of supplying First World nations with declining birth rates much-needed labour. Based on the passage given above, answer to the questions which follow:
Consider the following statements:
1. The basic premise of the immigration Bill is a concern of the Federal Government of the United States of America for welfare of the mankind.
2. Both Mexican and Indian immigrants enjoy and advantage of good communication skills in English?
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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