In an aquarium two herbivorous species of fish are living together and feeding on phytoplanktons. As per the Gause's principle, one of the species is to be eliminated in due course of time, but both are surviving well in the aquarium. Give possible reasons.
According to Gause.s principle, no two species can occupy exactly the same ecological niche (place with functional role of a species). In the given aquarium, the two species of fish having the same feeding habits are living together in the same ecological niche which is possible only if :
(a) large availability of the phytoplanktons.
(b) less number of the fish species.
(c) two species of the feeding on the same food at different periods . otherwise one of these fish species must have been eliminated.
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- ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS BOOK - MODERN PUBLICATIONCHAPTER - ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS EXERCISE - Higher Order Thinking Skills & Brain Twisting (Short Answer Questions)(Two marks each)
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Assertion : Elimination of a competitively inferior species in a closely related or otherwise similar group is known as competitive exclusion principle.
Reason : If two species compete for the same resource, they could aviod competition by choosing different times for feeding or different foraging patterns.
View SolutionAmong Nature's most intriguing phenomena are the partnerships formed by any different species. The name used for these relationships, Symbiosis, comes from Greek meaning "living together". Not all symbiotic relationships are the same. There are some called commensal relationships, in which one partner gains a benefit while the other gains little or none but is not harmed. One example is the relationship between two types of fish - remoras and sharks. The remora, which is long and often striped, attaches itself to a shark (sometimes to another type of fish or a whale), using a sucker on its head. When the shark makes a kill, the hitchhiker briefly detaches itself to feed on the scraps. Another type of symbiotic relationship is parasitism, in which one partner benefits at the expense of others. Ticks and tapeworms are among familiar parasites.
The third type of symbiotic relationship, called mutual ism, is a true partnership in which both partners benefit. The relationship may be limited as when zebras and wildbeast graze together on the vast African grasslands. Each species can survive on its own, but together their chances of detecting predators are improved because each contributes a specially keen sense. (Zebras have the better eyesight, wildbeast, hearing and sense of smell). In a few cases partners are so interdependent that one cannot survive without the other. Most mutualistic relationships probably lie somewhere in between
Remora feeds
View SolutionAmong Nature's most intriguing phenomena are the partnerships formed by any different species. The name used for these relationships, Symbiosis, comes from Greek meaning "living together". Not all symbiotic relationships are the same. There are some called commensal relationships, in which one partner gains a benefit while the other gains little or none but is not harmed. One example is the relationship between two types of fish - remoras and sharks. The remora, which is long and often striped, attaches itself to a shark (sometimes to another type of fish or a whale), using a sucker on its head. When the shark makes a kill, the hitchhiker briefly detaches itself to feed on the scraps. Another type of symbiotic relationship is parasitism, in which one partner benefits at the expense of others. Ticks and tapeworms are among familiar parasites.
The third type of symbiotic relationship, called mutual ism, is a true partnership in which both partners benefit. The relationship may be limited as when zebras and wildbeast graze together on the vast African grasslands. Each species can survive on its own, but together their chances of detecting predators are improved because each contributes a specially keen sense. (Zebras have the better eyesight, wildbeast, hearing and sense of smell). In a few cases partners are so interdependent that one cannot survive without the other. Most mutualistic relationships probably lie somewhere in between
Remora attaches itself to the shark or whale
View SolutionAmong Nature's most intriguing phenomena are the partnerships formed by any different species. The name used for these relationships, Symbiosis, comes from Greek meaning "living together". Not all symbiotic relationships are the same. There are some called commensal relationships, in which one partner gains a benefit while the other gains little or none but is not harmed. One example is the relationship between two types of fish - remoras and sharks. The remora, which is long and often striped, attaches itself to a shark (sometimes to another type of fish or a whale), using a sucker on its head. When the shark makes a kill, the hitchhiker briefly detaches itself to feed on the scraps. Another type of symbiotic relationship is parasitism, in which one partner benefits at the expense of others. Ticks and tapeworms are among familiar parasites.
The third type of symbiotic relationship, called mutual ism, is a true partnership in which both partners benefit. The relationship may be limited as when zebras and wildbeast graze together on the vast African grasslands. Each species can survive on its own, but together their chances of detecting predators are improved because each contributes a specially keen sense. (Zebras have the better eyesight, wildbeast, hearing and sense of smell). In a few cases partners are so interdependent that one cannot survive without the other. Most mutualistic relationships probably lie somewhere in between
View SolutionAmong Nature's most intriguing phenomena are the partnerships formed by any different species. The name used for these relationships, Symbiosis, comes from Greek meaning "living together". Not all symbiotic relationships are the same. There are some called commensal relationships, in which one partner gains a benefit while the other gains little or none but is not harmed. One example is the relationship between two types of fish - remoras and sharks. The remora, which is long and often striped, attaches itself to a shark (sometimes to another type of fish or a whale), using a sucker on its head. When the shark makes a kill, the hitchhiker briefly detaches itself to feed on the scraps. Another type of symbiotic relationship is parasitism, in which one partner benefits at the expense of others. Ticks and tapeworms are among familiar parasites.
The third type of symbiotic relationship, called mutual ism, is a true partnership in which both partners benefit. The relationship may be limited as when zebras and wildbeast graze together on the vast African grasslands. Each species can survive on its own, but together their chances of detecting predators are improved because each contributes a specially keen sense. (Zebras have the better eyesight, wildbeast, hearing and sense of smell). In a few cases partners are so interdependent that one cannot survive without the other. Most mutualistic relationships probably lie somewhere in between
The passage talks about how animals
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