What do you mean by 'channels of distribution'? What functions do they play in the distribution of goods and services? Explain.

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A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer. It can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the Internet.
Functions of Distribution Channels:
Following are the main functions performed by the distribution channels:
1.Sorting: Middlemen obtain the supplies of goods from various suppliers and sort them out into similar groups on the basis of size, quality etc.
2. Accumulation: In order to ensure a continuous supply of goods, middlemen maintain a large volume of stock.
3. Allocation: It involves packing of the sorted goods into small marketable lots like 1Kg, 500 gms, 250 gms etc.
4. Assorting: Middlemen obtain a variety of goods from different manufacturers and provide them to the customers in the combination desired by them. For example, rice from Dehradun & Punjab.
5. Product Promotion: Sales promotional activities are mostly performed by the producer but sometimes middlemen also participate in these activities like special displays, discounts etc.
6. Negotiation: Middlemen negotiate the price, quality, guarantee and other related matters about a product with the producer as well as customer.
7. Risk Taking: Middlemen have to bear the risk of distribution like risk from damage or spoilage of goods etc. when the goods are transported from one place to another or when they are stored in the god-owns.
