Rajive is working as Personel Manager in a company. The speciality of the company is that financial positin of all the employees is good. The employes working her are honest, punctual and hardworking .The CEO of the company aksed him to suggest a method of motivation. The CEO asked him to suggest a method which is happily accepted by all the employees.
Rajive spoke to many employees in this connection. Some emplyies sugggested gives more importance to individual automony , another suggested good performance should be appreciated, another group suggested to awards, certificate, triphies to recognise the good performance. Mr. Rajive mixed all and suggested a mathod of motivation to CEO. The CEO happily accepted that and it was immediately implemented. Withing few days the comapny's growth rate appered to have become fast.
(a) Identify the functions of management indicated in the above paragraph.
(b) Which motivation methods were suggested by dirfferent group of employees.
(c) Which motivation method combine all the above stated was suggested by personnel manager.
(a) Directing
(b) (i) Recognition (ii) Autonomy
(c) Organisational climate
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