"Mobile Ltd". is a well-nown automobile manufacturing company in India. The company plants to increase the sale of its Sedan Cars by 20% in the next quarter. In order to achieve this target, the marketing department of the company considered the impact of government policy on the diesel vehicles and they also anticipated the level of competitions they might ahve to face. The team explored the various available options for increase in sale like offering more discounts, providing zero per cent finance, offering free accessories, free service for three years, etc.
A thorough analysis of each option was done and finally company decided to offer fre service for next three years. In order to implement the plan, they made various package of service coupons and communicated the same to their dealers. They also started giving the advertisements to make the customers aware of their scheme through various print and electronic medias.
A separate team was formed to keep a close watch on the revenue and impact of new scheme on the sale.
In the context of the above case......
(a) Name the function of management which is being described in above paragraph.
(b) Identify and explain the various steps involved in the process of the function of management as identified in the above para, by quoting the lines from it.
(a) Planning is the function of management, which is described in above paragraph.
(b) The various steps involved in the above process are:
1. Setting objectives. " The company plan to increase sale….. By next quarter".
2. Developing premises. "In order to achieve this target....might have to face".
3. Listing the various alternatives for achieving the objectives. "The team explored the various available options.... three years, etc".
4. Evaluating different alternatives. "A thorough analysis of each option was done."
5. Selecting an alternative. "Finally company decided.... three years."
6. Implement the plan. "In order to implement the plan, they made various packages of services.....electronic medias."
7. Follow-up. "A separate team was ..... on the sale."
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- PART : B BUSINESS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTBook:SUBHASH DEYChapter:PART : B BUSINESS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTExercise:Previous years Examination Question (2014-2018) three Mark Questions
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एक नगर में टैक्सी के भाड़े में एक नियम भाड़े के अतिरिक्त चली गई दुरी पर भाड़ सम्मिलित किए जाता है। 10 किमी दुरी के लिए भाड़ा 105 है तथा 15 किमी के लिए भाड़ा क्या है ? एक व्यक्ति को 25 किमी यात्रा करने के लिए कितना भाड़ा देना होगा ?
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