Indian Youth Organisation (IYO) organised a visit of its members to an old age home to inculcate the habit of social work among them. The visit revealed that the living conditions of the inmates of the old age home were not hygienic. So, the IYO members decided to clean the premises. During their cleanliness drive, they realised that the old age home also required pest control. But some of the inmates of old age home were reluctant for it because they believed that the pest control may create health problems for them. IYO, therefore decided to provide ethical, safe and odourless pest control. They showed to inmates of old age home a pamphlet of the proposed pest control product which promised easy, inexpensive and long lasting pest control. The inmates happily agreed and the pest control was carried out. It worked for a fortnight but to their dismay the effect started wearing off. IYO contacted the pest control company which kept on postponing their visit. After waiting for a month, IYO filed a case in the consumer court.
The consumer court was satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint and issued necessary directions to the pest control company.
State any six directions that might have been issued by the court.
Directions that might have been issued by the court––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––:
(i) To remove the deficiency in service.
(ii) To refund the price paid for the service provided.
(iii) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss sufered by the inmates of old age home.
(iv) To pay punitive damages.
(v) To discontinue the unfair/restrictive trade practice and not to repeat the same in future.
(vi) To pay any amount (not less than 5% of the value of the service provided) to be credited to the Consumer Welfare Fund or any other organisation/person, to be utilised in the prescribed manner.
(vii) To issue corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of misleading pamphlet.
(xii) To pay adequate costs to IYO.
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