Bhavya visited his friend, Raghav. On his returning from Ragav's home, Ragav booked a taxi for Bhavya from 'Ganga Travels'. The taxi driver drove UBAR Co. car very fast and his behaviour was rude with Bhavya.
Bhavya told about this to Raghav who in turn complained to the proprietor of 'Ganga travels'.
(a) Can Raghav file a complaint against UBAR Co.? Give reason.
(b) Can Bhavya file a complaint against UBAR Co. Give reason.
(c) Can Ganga travels file a complaint against UBAR Co. ? Give reason.
(a) Yes, Raghav can file a complaint against UBAR Co. since he is a 'consumer' as per the definition of a consumer under the consumer Protection act, 1986 " A consumer is any person who hires or avails of any services for a consideration, which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and party promised, or under any system of deferred payment."
(b) Yes, Bhavya can also file a complaint against UBAR Co. since he is a 'consumer' as per the definition of a 'consumer' under the consumer protection Act, 1986. A consumer includes "any beneficiary of such services with the approval of the person concerned...."
(c) No, 'Ganga Travels ' cannot file a complaint against UBAR Co. since it is not a consumer as per the definition of a 'consumer' under the consumer protection Act, 1986-" A consumer does not include any person who avails of such services for any commercial purposes."
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