Raman, Joginder, John, Iqbal and Shreya are friends. They are operating different businesses, Each one has his/her own concept regarding operating their businesses.
Raman believes in producing products at a large scale, thereby decreasing the average cost of the products and selling it at a reasonable price.
Joginder focuses on providing best quality products beccause he believes that a customer always wishes to buy a good quality product. The price of the product is secondary.
John is of the belief most important aspect of business is sales and so he undertakes aggressive selling and promotional effort.
Iqbal believes that his firm can achieve its goals only by identifying the needs of the customer satisfying them better than the competitors.
Shreys feels that her firm has a responsibility towards the society as well. So she provides customer satisfaction along with using techniques which are environmental friendly.
Identify and explain the marketing concepts followed by each of them.
Raman - Production concept, Joginder - Product concept, John - Selling concept, Iqbal - Marketing concept and Shreya - Societal marketing concept
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