Radhika Priya Dasi opened a boutique along with four workers . No problem of any type was faced in opening the boutique . At her boutique special dresses made for marriages and parties are sold . Despite there being a lot of competition in the market , the boutique was earning a good profit . Since all the profit went into her pocket , Radhika Priya Dasi was increased from 4 to 6 by her . All of them were happy since the business was running successfully . Unfortunately , one day the boutique caught fire due to a short circuit . Consequently , Radhika Priya Dasi had to suffer a heavy loss . The circumstances deteriorated so much that she had to dispose off her personal properties to repay the boutique's debts.
In order to revive the boutique, she approached a bank which did not extend a long-term loan to her .
(a) Identify the form of business organisation discussed in the above para .
(b) Explain any three merits of the form of business organisation identified in (a) by quoting the lines from the above para .
(c) Also explain any two limitations of the form of business organisation identified in (a) by quoting the lines from the above para .
(a) The form of business organisation of Radhika Priya Dasi's boutique is Sole Proprietorship .
(b) (i) Ease of formation
No problem of any type was faced in opening the boutique .
Hardly any legal formalities are required to start a sole proprietary business .
(ii) Direct incentive
"Since all the profit went into her pocket , Radhika Priya Dasi was getting inspired to work with great efficiency".
A sole proprietor directly gets the benefits of his efforts as he is the sole recipient of all the profits .
(iii) Flexibility of operations
"With the increase in workload , the number of workers was increased from 4 to 6 by her ".
In a proprietorship business , all decisions are taken by a single person. There are no delays and the business can quickly adapt itself to the changing environment . This provides flexibility to the business .
(c) (i) Unlimited liability
"The circumstances deteriorated so much that she had to dispose off her personal properties to repay the boutique's debts".
Sole proprietors have unlimited liability . In the case of business losses, if the business assets are not sufficient to meet all business liabilities , the proprietor may have to sell his personal property to pay off the liabilities .
(ii) Limited resources
"In order to revive the boutique , she approached a bank which did not extend a long-term loan to her".
Resources of a sole proprietor are limited to his/her personal savings and borrowings from others.
Banks and other lending institutions may hesitate to extend a long-term loan to a sole proprietor.
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