Why ozone hole forms over Antarctica ? How will enhanced ultraviolent radiation affect us ?Solution in Tamil

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Ozone is a denser form of oxygen that shields the Earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun, without it , the earth.s inhabitants and enviroment seasonall fluctuations in stratospheric ozone levels over Antarctica as early as the 1950s. In the 1970s the chemists Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina of the University of California ( in findings later confirmed by the National Academy of Sciences) blamed the lower winter level of ozone over Antarctica on the rapidly increasing use of chlorofluorocabons (CFCs) as refrigernats and as products . CFC molecules deplete the ozone layer because they migrate to the stratosphere , collect over the Antarctice ice cap during the cold winter months, and become fixed on polar stratospheric clound , isolated from the normal atmospheric circulaiton . When sunlight returns to Antarctica in early spring ,its ultraviolet rays tirgger a chemical reaction that releases a chlorine - oxide free radical , which precipiates another reaction that breaks up the oxygen molecules that form the ozone layer . A world that has been porducing and releasing into the atmospgere 1 million tons of CFCs per year has seen CFC levels in the atmosphere rise from 0.8 part per billion by volume in 1950 to at least 4 parts per billion at the close of the century . The CFC gases act as catalyst and also due to the action of UV rays , the amount of concentration of ozone gets thined , leading to the formation of ozone hole .
Due to the deplection of ozone layer the dangerous UV- B radiation passes through this layer and reaches the earth . The incidence of UB - B radiation.
i. cause skin cancer , cataract and other severe disease to man.
ii. diminishes the function of immune system .
iii. affects photosynthesis.
iv. causes production smog.


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