Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
In India working women lead a lilfe of double responsibilities if they are married and have a family. In the west many women are career- conscious. They are committed to their jobs. Here in India women still have traditional roles to fulfill.
There are four categories of working women in India. Some work while they are waiting for marriage. A majority work because they are qualified. They want second income and a different kind of lilfe for part of the day. A small section consists of career women. A sizeale section of women are bread winners.
The working women prefer to stay inoint families. Their children can be taken care of while they are at work. These women often do their shopping on the way from office. They reserve theri weekends for heavy housework. Weekends are also reserved for spending time with their spouses and children. They prefer to leave the financial decision making and budgeting to their husbands. They prefrer jobs with flexible things. Indian working women are managing their double roles seccessfully.
Complete the following:
(i) There are four categories of..................
(ii) They prefer to leave the financial decision - making and ..............
(i) Working women in India.
(ii) Budgeting to their husbands.
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