Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follows :
The Mohua is one of the most important of Indian forest trees, not for hits timber birthday cause of its tasty flowers. To the people of central India it provides the most important article of food . It is because the flowers can be stored by a very long time.
The the mahua tree has a large thick grey bark. Most of the leaves fall from February to April. During that time the scented flowers appear hanging in close bunches of a dozen or so. It is at night that the tree blooms. At dawn each short-lived flower falls to the ground. Tell me a couple of months after the flowering period , dogs route opens, they are fleshy green berries . They are quite large and contain from one to four shiny. brown seeds.
Mohua flowers are a food. The gathering of the flowers is an important business to the village people. Below the tree and ground is cleared and swept. Dawn blooms are collected and allowed to dry out on it the earth. The flowers taste something like pressed figs. Sugar , puddings and adult sweets are made from them. Aur parts of the fruit, both type and unripe are you used, A thick oil is extracted from the kernel . it being yellowish , given it the name of Butter Tree. The oils is used for cooking making soap and candies.
Animals particularly deer and bears, love the flowers . They don't mind risking the night guards. Birds can be seen around the tgrees at sunset the dawn.
Cut flowers and branches given a thick milk juice. It is good for curing rheumatism. The wood is hard and heavy. It works easily and makes good furniture. The bark is used to cure leprosy and to heal wounds. The flowers relive coughs, heart trouble and the fruits cure TB and blood diseases.
Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following
(i) gives (para 1 )
((ii) taken out (para 3)
(i) .. provides .. (ii) extracted ..
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