The average age of 6 servants in my farm house is 28yrs A new and young servant replaces an old servant then the new average reduces by 1yr. In the above questions if the age of the replaced servant was 31 years, then the age of the new servant is :


a.25 years


b.35 years


c.24 years


d.none of these

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The correct Answer is:A


Step by step video, text & image solution for The average age of 6 servants in my farm house is 28yrs A new and young servant replaces an old servant then the new average reduces by 1yr. In the above questions if the age of the replaced servant was 31 years, then the age of the new servant is : by Maths experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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  • The average age of 6 servants in my farm house is 28 years A new and young servant replaces an old servant then the new average reduces by 1 year,the age of the new servant is:

    A25 years
    B35 years
    C24 years
    Dnone of these
  • The average age of 6 servants in my farm house is 28 years A new and young servant replaces an old servant then the new average reduces by 1 year,the age of the new servant is:

    A26 years
    B22 years
    C35 years
    Dcan't be determined
  • The average age of 6 servants in my farm house is 28 years. A new and young servant replaces an old servant, then the new average reduced by 1 year, the age of the new servant is :

    A26 years
    B22 years
    C35 years
    Dcan't be determined