Explain the structure of a neuron. Solution in Tamil

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A typical neuron consists of 3 parts : Cyton, Dendrites and Axon.
(a) Cyton :
(1) It has a central nucleus with the abundant cytoplasm called neuroplasm.
(2) The cytoplasm has larger granular body called Nissel.s granules
(3) Other cell oranelles like mitochondria , ribosomes, lysosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum are present.
(4) Several neurofibrils in the cytoplasm help in body.
(b) Dendrites:
(1) These are the numerous branched cytopolasmic processes, that project from the surface of the cell body.
(2) They conduct nerve impulses, towards the cyton.
(3) The branched projections increase the surface area for receiving the signals from other nerve cells.
(c ) Axon :
(1) It is a single , elongated , slender projection.
(2) The end of axon terminates as fine branches, which terminate into knob like swellings called synaptic knob.
(3) The plasma membrane of axon is called axolemma.
(4) The cytoplasm of axon is called axoplasm.
(5) Axon carries impulses away from the cyton.
(6) The projective sheath around the axon is myelin sheath.
(7) THe myelin sheath breaks at intervals by depression called Nodes of Ranvier. It acts as insulator and ensures rapid transmission of nerve impulses.
(8) The junction between two neuron is called synapsis.


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