Discuss the role of women in protection and conservation of forests.Solution in Tamil

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Women and communities have played a crucial role in environmental conservation programmes.
Example 1: Chipko movement was started in 1974 in India. In this women from the village hugged the trees and prevented felling of trees by contractors. Example 2: Amrita Devi, from Khejarli village of Jodhpur district, Rajasthan sacrificed her life to maintain Bishoni Dharma. Here the King of Jodhpur ordered his men to get the wood of Khejri trees by cutting them to construct his new palace. On hearing this Amrita Devi and many others had hugged the trees to save them from cutting. But her effort went on vain. Amrita Devi and others were killed by King.s men. This resistance by the people of village forced the King to give up the idea of cutting trees.
