Describe the life cycle of Bombyx mori.
Life cycle of Bombyx mori:
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The adult of Bombyx mori is about 2.5cm in length and pale creamy white in colour. Due to heavy body and feeble wings. Flight is not possible by the female moth. This moth is unisexual in nature and does not feed during its very short life period of 23 days. Just after emergence, male moth copulates with female for about 23 hours and if not separated, they may die after few hours of copulating with female. Just after copulation, female starts egg laying which is completed in 124 hours. A single female moth lays 400 to 500 eggs depending upon the climatic conditions. Two types of eggs are generally found namely diapause type and non-diapause type. The diapause type is laid by silkworms inhabiting the temperate regions. whereas silkworms belonging to subtropical regions like India lay non-diapause type of eggs. The eggs after ten days of incubation hatch into larva called as caterpillar. The newly hatched caterpillar is about 3 mm in length and is pale. yellowish-white in colour. The caterpillars are provided with well developed mandibulate type of mouth-parts and adapted to feed easily on the mulberry leaves.
After 1st,2nd,3rdand4th moultings caterpillars get transormed into 2nd,3rd,4thand5th instars respectively. It takes about 21 to 25 datys after hatching. The fully frown caterpillar is 7.5 cm in length. It develops salivary glands, stops feeding and undergoes pupation. The caterpillars stop feeding and move towards the corne among the leaves and secretes a sticky fluid through their silk gland. The secreted fluid comes out through spinneret (a narrow pore situated on the hypopharynx) and takes the form of long fine thread of silk which hardens on exposure to air and is the white coloured bed of the pupa whose outer threads are irregular while the inner threads are regular. The length of continuous thread secreted by a caterpillar for the formation of cocoon is about 1001200 meters which requires 3 days to complete. The pupal period lasts for 10 to 12 days and pupae cut through the cocoon and emerge into adult moth.
