Explain the concept of relative velocity in one and two dimensional motion. Solution in Tamil
When two objects A and B are moving with different velocities, then the velocity of one object A with respect to another object B is called relative velocity of object A with respect to B.
Case I. Consider two objects A and B moving with uniform velocities VAandVB. as shown, along straight tracks in the same direction →VA,→AB, with respect to ground. The relative velocity of object A with respect to object B is →VAB=→VA−→VB.
The relative velocity of object B with respect to object A is →VBA=→VB−→VA underset(vecv_B)larr<br>Thus,iftwoobjectsaremov∈g∈thesamedirection,themagnitudeofrelativevelocityofo≠objectwithrespect→a¬herisequal→thed⇔erence∈magnitudeoftwovelocities.<br>CaseII.ConsrtwoobjectsAandBmov∈gwithuniformvelocitiesV_(A)andV_(B)alongthesamestraighttracksbutopposite∈direction<br>underset(vecv_B)to
The relative velocity of an object A with respect to object B is
The relative velocity of an object B with respect to object A is
Thus, if two objects are moving in opposite directions, the magnitude of relative velocity of one object with respect to other is equal to the sum of magnitude of their velocities.
ase III. Consider the velocities and at an angle between their directions.
The relative velocity of A with respect to B, →vAB=→vA−→vB
hen, the magnitude and direction of →–––(AB) is given by vAB=√→v2A+→v2B−2vAvBcosθ and tan β=vBsinθvA−vB=cosθ (Here β is angle between →–––(B)and→vA)
(i) When θ=0, the the bodies move along parallel sraight lines in the same direction,
We, have vAB=(vA−vB) in the direction of →vA. Obviously vBA=(vB+vA) in the direction of →vB.
(ii) When θ=180∘, the bodies move along parallel straight lines in opposite directions, We have vAB=(vA+vB) in the direction of →vA.
Similarly, vBA=(vB+vA) in the direction of →vB.
(iii) If the two bodies are moving at right angles to each other, then θ=90∘. The magnitude of the relative velocity of A with respect to B=vAB=√v2A+v2B.
(iv) Consider a person moving horizontally with velocity →VM. Let rain fall vertically withvelocity →VR . An umbrella is held to avoid the rain. Then the relative velocity of the rain with respect to the person is,
And direction θ=tan−1(VMVR) with the vertical as shown in figure.
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