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The correct Answer is:cosx15cos5x+23cos3x+c

To solve the integral sin5xdx, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the Integral
We start by rewriting sin5x as sinxsin4x:

Hint: Use the identity sin2x=1cos2x to express higher powers of sine.

Step 2: Express sin4x
Next, we can express sin4x as (sin2x)2:
Thus, we can rewrite the integral:

Hint: Think about using substitution for cosx.

Step 3: Use Substitution
Let t=cosx. Then, dt=sinxdx or sinxdx=dt. Substituting these into the integral gives:

Hint: Expand the expression (1t2)2 before integrating.

Step 4: Expand the Expression
Expanding (1t2)2:
So, we have:

Hint: Remember the power rule for integration: tndt=tn+1n+1+C.

Step 5: Integrate Each Term
Now we can integrate each term:
This simplifies to:

Hint: Substitute back t=cosx to return to the variable x.

Step 6: Substitute Back
Substituting t=cosx back into the expression gives:

Hint: Rearranging the terms can help in presenting the final answer clearly.

Final Answer
Thus, the integral sin5xdx is:
