Many mammals, especially those living in natural, wild conditions exhibit reproductive cycles only during favourable seasons in their reproductive phase and are therefore called.
Continuous breeders
Seasonal breeders
Reflex breeders
Spontaneous breeders.
The correct Answer is:B
Many mammals, especially those living in natural wild conditions exhibit reproductive cycles only during favourable seasons in their reproductive phase and are therefore called seasonal breeders.
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We are all aware of the danger posed to our lives by pollution. The evidence on pollution's dangers is powerful. It is linked not just to breathing problems but also to increased rates of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia, premature birth and much more. Those who live with polluted air are more likely to die prematurely.
It is especially important to protect those most vulnerable to dirty air's effects - children, older people and those with heart or lung conditions. Here are some things we can do to help protect ourselves and our family. One can begin by choosing one's route wisely. There are variations in pollution levels, within the same city - even the same neighborhood. It has been found that individuals take in different amounts of toxic air, depending on exactly where they live, and where their routines take them.
This insight can help us to limit the pollution we are exposed to. When walking, running or biking, "the things you can vary are, where do you go and when do you go," said Darby Jack, Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Columbia University. By doing these two things we can bring about a reduction in exposure to pollution. Limiting exposure is particularly important during exercise, when we take in more air,.
Thus staying clear of the busiest roads, even just by choosing a parallel route a block away, can halve the pollution one breathes in.
Route choice is as important for drivers as for pedestrians, since exhaust fumes can become even more concentrated inside a car.
Being careful about the time of day one travels can also be very helpful in protecting oneself against pollution. It has been found that travelling at less polluted times helps greatly because rush hours, as we all know, generally bring pollution peaks.
"It's basically about awareness," said Frank Kelly, director of the Environmental Research Group at King's College, London. "You need to understand where you're being exposed the most, and then you need to be able to take measures to avoid that."
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