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Which is greatest in 1623%,215and 0.17?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find out which of the three values 1623%, 215, and 0.17 is the greatest, we will convert all of them into decimal form for easy comparison.

Step 1: Convert 1623% to decimal
1. First, convert the mixed fraction 1623 to an improper fraction:
2. Now, convert the percentage to a decimal:

Step 2: Convert 215 to decimal
1. Divide 2 by 15:

Step 3: Convert 0.17 to decimal
1. 0.17 is already in decimal form.

Step 4: Compare the decimal values
Now we have:
- 1623%0.1667
- 2150.1333
- 0.17

Step 5: Determine the greatest value
Now we compare:
- 0.1667 (from 1623%)
- 0.1333 (from 215)
- 0.17

The greatest value among these is 0.17.

Final Answer:
The greatest value is 0.17.

