Explain Lithosere succesion.Solution in Kannada

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Lithoers : It is used a type a of xeroserve which involves the ecological succession on bare surface .
The version slages in the ecological succession in a lithosere are discures below.
- Crustose liches succesion
If forms the poineer communly in a lithorse and is represented bt lichen species like Laconara , Graphis, Rhizocarpus and Rinodina, These are resistant to dessication and high temperature . They produce orgainc acids which cause weathering of rocks so that minerals essentail for further growth of lichnes are released. the lichnes hold the fine particles of rock along with the sand particles bought by wind in the depression to initiate soil formation.
- Folliose - lichen stage : The change in the rock made by the crustose lichnes makes possible for the growth of foliose lichens such as Parmelia and Physcia . Their expanded thalli cover the crustose lichnes which finally die and decay. Water and humus collect around the foliose lichens and the acids produced by them eat into the rock . It leads to the development if a fine soil layer on the rock surface which favour the growth of moses.
- Mass stage : The accumulation of soil and humus as a thin layer on the surface of rock result in the growth of mosses like Polytrichum and Grimmia . These mosses being taller and gregarious . kill the lichnes woth their shade and replace them . Mosses break uo the rock further arid their bodies are added to the soil , increasing ots thickness , fertility and water holding capacity.
Herb stage : The mat formed by mosses in the partially fragmented rock surface has greater eater bolding capacity . Many herbs , short lived, annual, biennial and perennial and xerophytic grasses make their first appearance . The roots of these plants accelerate the process of rock disintegration . The amount of soil increases as the death and decay of these increases the humus.
- Shurb stage : The thick layer of soil with humus result in the growth of shrubs like Rhuszizyphus , caparis etc. The roots of the shrubs further erode the rock which is more or less compltely coveral with soil The soil is furhter enriched by humus formed from fallen leaves and twings . All these conditions are favourable for the growth of trees.
- Tree stages : It is the climax community in lithosere . The first tree species to appear are stunted and species afar. Further weathering of rocks and increasing humus content of the soil favours the growth of more trees . The vegetation finally becomes mesophytic . It may result in a rainforest in a moisst tropical area, coniferous forest or deciduous firest in temperate area and a grassland in area with less rainfall etc.
