Explain the different types of placentation with example?Solution in Tamil

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The mode of distribution of placenta inside the ovary is called placentation. Placenta bears the ovules.
Different types as follows :
1. Marginal : It is with the placentae along the margin of a unicarpellate ovary . Eg : Fabaceae.
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Axile : The placentae arises from the column in a compound ovary with septa. Eg: Hibiscus , tomato , lemon.
3. Superficial : Ovules arise from the surface of the septa.
Eg: Nymphaeaceae .
4. Parietal : It is the placentae on the ovary walls or upon intruding partitions of a unilocular, compound ovary . Eg : Mustard, Argemone, cucumber.
5. Basal : It is the placenta at the base of the ovary. Eg: Sunflower, Marigold.
6. Free - central : It is with the placentae along the column in a compound ovary without septa. Eg: Caryophyllaceae, Dianthus, Primrose.
