What are some solutions to toxic dumping in our oceans?Solution in Tamil

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Toxic dumping involves depositing all the waste materials from factories and industries, tankers and ships and disposing sewage waste materials into the oceans and seas. Some of them may be toxic. Ways to prevent ocean pollution are:
(i) Avoid plastic usage. It is the single largest threat to oceans.
(ii) Avoid product containing microbeads. (Microbeads are extremely small piece of plastic material manufactured for various applications like personal care products, cosmetics, etc.)
(iii) Fat sustainable
(iv) Reduce energy usage.
(v) Practice proper disposal of hazardous materials.
(vi) Practice organic methods agriculture and less usage of chemical fertilizers/pesticides, etc.
(vii) Beach clean up campaigns to be organized and make every individuals to practice hygienic methods of waste disposal in beaches.
