Write any five properties of electromagnetic waves.Solution in Tamil

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Properties of electromagnetic waves :
(i) Electromagnetic waves are produced by any accelerated charge.
(ii) Electromagnetic waves do not require any medium for porpagation, so electromagnetic wave is non - mechanical wave.
(iii) Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.
(iv) Electromagnetic waves are not deflected by electric field or magnetic field.
(v) Electromagnetic waves can show interference, diffraction and can also be polarized.
(vi) The energy density of the electromagnetic wave in vacuum is u=12╬╡0E2+121╬╝0B2,u=╬╡0E2=1╬╝0B2
(vii) .The average energy density electromagnetic wave,
(viii) The rate of flow of energy crossing a unit area is known as pointing vector for electromagnetic waves.
(ix) Electromagnetic waves carries not only energy and momentum but also angular momentum.
