Two parallel rail lines are directed as north- south. A train X runs towards north with a speed of 15m⋅s−1 and another train Y runs towards south with a speed of 25m⋅s−1 .
(ii) the velocity of ground with respect to Y, Solution in Bengali
Let us assume the velocity from south to north be positive. Then,
Velocity of x, vX=+15m⋅s−1
and velocity of Y, vY=−25m⋅s−1
(ii) The relative velocity of ground with respect to train Y is
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(i) A का B के सापेक्ष , (ii) धरती पर खड़े व्यक्ति का रेलगाड़ी A के सापेक्ष तथा (iii) धरती पर खड़े व्यक्ति का रेलगाड़ी B के सापेक्ष ।
View Solutionएक रेलगाड़ी दक्षिण की ओर 108 km/h की चाल से जा रही है , इस रेलगाड़ी की छत पर एक बन्दर 10 मी/से की चाल से रेलगाड़ी की सापेक्ष दौड़ रहा है । धरती पर खड़े व्यक्ति को बन्दर का वेग की प्रतीत होगा ? यदि बन्दर (i) दक्षिण की ओर तथा (ii) उत्तर की ओर , दौड़ रहा है ।
View SolutionTwo parallel rail lines are directed as north- south. A train X runs towards north with a speed of 15m⋅s−1 and another train Y runs towards south with a speed of 25m⋅s−1 .
(i) the velocity of Y relative to X,
View SolutionTwo parallel rail lines are directed as north- south. A train X runs towards north with a speed of 15m*s^(-1) and another train Y runs towards south with a speed of 25 m*s^(-1) . (iii) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of X against its motion with a velocity of 5 m*s^(-1) relative to X, as observed by a man standing on the ground.
View SolutionTwo parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54kmh−1, and train B moves south with a speed of 90kmh−1. What is the
(a) velocity of B with respect to A ?,
(b) velocity of ground with respect to B ?, and
(c) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 18kmh−1 with respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground ?
View SolutionTwo parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54kmh−1, and train B moves south with a speed of 90kmh−1. What is the
(a) velocity of B with respect to A ?,
(b) velocity of ground with respect to B ?, and
(c) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 18kmh−1 with respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground ?
View SolutionTwo parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54 km h^(-1) , and train B moves south with a speed of 90 km h^(-1) . What is the (a) velocity of B with respect to A ?, (b) velocity of ground with respect to B ?, and (c) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 18 km h^(-1) with respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground ?
View Solution150 मीटर लम्बी रेलगाड़ी उत्तर की ओर 10 मीटर/सैकण्ड की चाल से चल रही है। एक तोता दक्षिण की ओर 5 मीटर/सैकण्ड की चाल से रेलगाड़ी को पार करता है। तोते द्वारा रेलगाड़ी को पार करने में लगा समय होगा
View SolutionTwo parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54kmh−1, and train B moves south with a speed of 90kmh−1. What is the
(a) velocity of B with respect to A ?,
(b) velocity of ground with respect to B ?, and
(c) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 18kmh−1 with respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground ?
View Solutionदो रेलगाड़ियाँ एक-दूसरे के समान्तर उत्तर-दक्षिण दिशा की ओर जाती हैं। एक पटरी पर A रेलगाड़ी उत्तर दिशा की ओर 54kmh−1 की चाल से तथा अन्य पटरी पर B रेलगाड़ी दक्षिण की ओर 90kmh−1 की चाल से गतिमान हैं। B रेलगाड़ी के सापेक्ष Aरेलगाड़ी का वेग है
View SolutionTwo parallel rail tracks are in north-south direction. Train A moves towards north with a speed of 72 kmh−1 and train B moves towards south with a speed of 108 kmh−1 What is the (a) velocity of B with respect to A ?, (b) velocity of ground with respect to B ? and (c) velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 27 kmh−1 with respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground?
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