A resistance R is to be measured using a meter bridge. Student chooses the standared resistance S to be 100Ω. He finds the null point at l1=2.9cm. He is told to attempt to improve the accuracy. Which of the folllowing is a useful way?
He should measure I1 more accurately
He should changes s to 1000Ω and repeat the experiment
He should change S to 3Ω and repeat the experiment
He should given up hoe of a more accurate measurnment with a meter bridge.
The correct Answer is:C
The percentage error in R can be minimised by adjusting the balance point near the middle of the bridge, i.e., when I1 is closed to 50 cm. The requires a suitable choice of S.
Since, RS=RI1R(100−I1)=I1100−I1
Since here, R:S::2.9:97.1 imply thawt the S is nearly 33 times to that of R. In order to make this ratio 1:1, it is necessary to reduced the value of S nearly 133 times i.e., nearly 3Ω.
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