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The most delicate stage in the life cycle of an angiosperm where maximum mortality observed is the


seed stage


flowering stage


fruiting stage


seedling stage

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The correct Answer is:D

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Life Cycle of Angiosperms: Angiosperms, or flowering plants, go through several stages in their life cycle, including seed, germination, seedling, flowering, and fruiting stages.

2. Identifying Stages of Development:
- Seed Stage: This is a dormant stage where seeds can remain inactive until conditions are favorable for germination. The seed coat protects the seed, reducing mortality.
- Germination: This is the process where the seed begins to sprout and grow into a seedling.
- Seedling Stage: This stage follows germination. The seedling is newly emerged and has not yet developed protective structures, making it vulnerable.
- Flowering Stage: At this stage, the plant produces flowers. This is a mature stage and generally has lower mortality rates.
- Fruiting Stage: This is also a mature stage where the plant produces fruits. Similar to flowering, it does not typically experience high mortality.

3. Analyzing Mortality Rates: The question asks for the stage with the highest mortality. The seedling stage is particularly delicate because:
- The seedling has not yet developed protective structures.
- It is exposed to environmental stresses and diseases.
- It is a critical transition from a dormant seed to a mature plant.

4. Conclusion: Based on the analysis, the seedling stage is identified as the most delicate stage in the life cycle of an angiosperm where maximum mortality is observed.

Final Answer: The most delicate stage in the life cycle of an angiosperm where maximum mortality is observed is the seedling stage.

