Two vessels divided by a partition contain one mole of N2 and two moles of O2 gas. If the partition is removed and gases mixed isothermally, Find the change in entropy due to mixing assuming initial and final pressure are same.
Using ΔSsystem (mixing g)=−R∑nilnχi
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Two vessels divided by a partition cotain one mole of N2 and two moles of O2 gas. If the partition is removed and gases mixed isothermally, find the change in entrope due to mixing assuming initial and final pressure are same.
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What the partition is removed, the gases mix. The changes in enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) in the process, respectively, areAzero, positiveBzero, negativeCpositive, zeroDnegative, zeroTwo moles of N2 gas in a 50 L vessel at STP shows
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