Assume that a pencil box held in your hand, represents a plant cell. In how many possible planes can it be cut ? Indicate these cuts with the help of line drawings ?
A. If a plant cell is cut in different plane if result, in radial symmetry

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Knowledge Check
Directions (40-44) : Read the following passage and answer the questions.
In spite of rigorous precautions against accidents, many people are injured every year in factories and elsewhere. In addition, some people are born with physical disabilities. They are either blind of deaf or in some way deformed form birth. Up to quite recent times, little planned action was taken to fit handicapped people for employment. A number of charitable organizations tried to help them in cases of hardship, but few seriously held the idea that these people might still have abilities in other directions. Only during the last few decades has society slowly come to acknowledge its responsibilities and to recognize that handicapped people can be trained to play a useful part in economic as well as social life. The 2nd World War gave impetus to this. During the 1939-45 war, pressure of resources of labour compelled all fighting nations to call on the services of handicapped people for tasks adapted to and within the limits of their capacities. A man might have lost the use of his legs, but still be able to use his hands with skill. Another person might have lost his sight, but still be capable of training in ways in which his other senses could be employed effectively in furtherance of the war efffort. In recent years, scientific inventions and descoveries have lessened the disabilities of deafness, some form of paralysis and other physical handicap. Scientists working in association with engineers have devised methods by which handicapped can take up work again, thanks to the inventions of mechanical limbs, the improvements of hearing aids and so on.
Based on your reading of the passage, identify the correct sentence from the given options.ADuring War, the service of physically handicapped people was utilized keeping in mind their alternative skills within the limit of their capacities.BScientists and doctors work collaboratively to support the people with physical impairments.CScientists alone have found ways to enable physically handicapped people to work as normal people.DDuring War, physically handicapped people played a major role in the victory of specific nations.Directions (40-44) : Read the following passage and answer the questions.
In spite of rigorous precautions against accidents, many people are injured every year in factories and elsewhere. In addition, some people are born with physical disabilities. They are either blind of deaf or in some way deformed form birth. Up to quite recent times, little planned action was taken to fit handicapped people for employment. A number of charitable organizations tried to help them in cases of hardship, but few seriously held the idea that these people might still have abilities in other directions. Only during the last few decades has society slowly come to acknowledge its responsibilities and to recognize that handicapped people can be trained to play a useful part in economic as well as social life. The 2nd World War gave impetus to this. During the 1939-45 war, pressure of resources of labour compelled all fighting nations to call on the services of handicapped people for tasks adapted to and within the limits of their capacities. A man might have lost the use of his legs, but still be able to use his hands with skill. Another person might have lost his sight, but still be capable of training in ways in which his other senses could be employed effectively in furtherance of the war efffort. In recent years, scientific inventions and descoveries have lessened the disabilities of deafness, some form of paralysis and other physical handicap. Scientists working in association with engineers have devised methods by which handicapped can take up work again, thanks to the inventions of mechanical limbs, the improvements of hearing aids and so on.
Based on your reading of the passage, identify the correct sentence from the given options.AA number of charitable organizations neglected the idea of supporting handicapped people.BAccording to charitable organizations, handicapped people are better suited for employment.CFor the betterment of differently-abled people, many charitable organizations gathered supports from other NGOs.DInitially, very few people believed in the idea that handicapped people have abilities that can be channelized in different directions.
In the above diagram, the paired open spheres represent H2 molecules and the paired solid spheres represent N2 molecules. When the molecules in the box react to form the maximum possible amount of ammonia (NH3 molecules, what is the limiting reactant and how many molecules of NH3 can be formed?AN2 is limiting. 5 molecules of NH3 can be formed.BN2 is limiting. 10 molecules of NH3 can be formed.CH2 is limiting. 8 molecules of NH3 can be formed.DH2 is limiting, 12 molecules of NH3 can be formed.
Answer question on the basis of your understanding of the following paragraph and the related studied concepts.
Eletric field around a single charges or a charges configuration can be pictorially mapped by drawing electric field lines in space. An electric field line is, in general, a curve drawn in such a way that the tangent to it at each point is in the direction of the net. field point. An arrow on the curve is obviously necessary to specify the direction of electric field from the two possible directions indicated by a tangent to the curve. A field line is a space curve i.e., a curve in three dimensions.
Electric field lines may be taken to be continous curve without any breaks. Relative density (i.e. closeness) of the field lines at different points indicate the relative strength of electric field at those points. The field lines crowd where the field is strong and are spaced apart where it is weak.
What is an electric field line?
View SolutionFigure 6-36 shows the cross section of a road cut Joint with ice into the side of a mountain. The solid line AA' represents a weak bedding plane along which sliding is possible. Block B directly above the highway is separated from uphill rock by a large crack (called a joint), so that only friction between the block and the bedding plane prevents sliding. The mass of the block is 1.5×107kg, the dip angle θ of the bedding plane is 24∘, and the coefficient of static friction between block and plane is 0.63. (a) Show that the block will not slide under these circumstances. (b) Next, water seeps into the joint and expands upon freezing, exerting on the block a force F parallel to AA'. What minimum value of force magnitude →F will trigger a slide down the plane?
View SolutionAnswer question numbers (a) - (d) on the basis of your understanding of the following paragraph and the related studied concepts :
Cellular DNA is the information source for making proteins in the cell. A section of DNA that provides information for one protein is called the gene for that protein. Let us take the example of tallness as a characteristic. We know that plants have hormones that can trigger growth. Plant height can thus depend on the amount of a particular plant hormone. The amount of the plant hormone made will depend on the efficiency of the process for making it. Consider now an enzyme that is important for this process. If this enzyme works efficiently, a lot of hormone will be made, and the plant will be tall. If the gene for that enzyme has an alteration that makes the enzyme less efficient, the amount of hormone will be less, and the plant will be short. Thus, genes control characteristics or traits.
How many genes are present for each character ?
View SolutionAmericans love to contemplate - and legislatively promote, to whatever degree possible - the virtue of hard work. Here in the United States, people already work more hours per year than their English- speaking counterparts in Britain, Canada and Australia - not to mention those enviable denizens of European social democracies, who enjoy the kind of leisure time only their highest-paid workers can afford. So perhaps it's not surprising that several new pro-work policy ideas are enjoying attention on the left and the right. On the right, work requirements for Medicaid, food stamps and housing assistance represent the latest conservative effort to make sure Americans work for any benefits they receive. Work-life balance. It has been the professional itphrase for the past few years. From how-to books to meditation apps and even company-sponsored initiatives like unlimited vacation, employers and employees alike have been trying to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives. And it seems to be working. Or is it? According to employee reviews on Glassdoor, work-life balance is not what it used to be. Despite the best efforts of executives and an upgraded nomenclature (“work-life fit”), American workers continue to struggle with stress. But why? What’s missing from our jobs, or rather, is it in our personal lives? Since we live in the digital age, it’s easy for employees to be connected to their work 24/7. All day every day we receive e-mails from our boss, notifications from our work chats and use our calendars for reminders and scheduling–all on our smartphones. So thanks to technology, employees often check their e-mail every few minutes and constantly put in extra hours on nights, weekends and even when they’re out on vacation. If you need help maintaining a healthy work-life balance, remember that it’s all about setting goals and expectations between you and your manager. By having a good, open communication process with your boss, you’ll better understand what they expect of you, which makes it easier to manage your work life with your personal life. The more clear your boss is to you, and the more clear you are to them, the healthier that work life balance is going to feel. But, unfortunately, not every job works this way. Inevitably, there are some roles that may require more attention during and out of normal office hours. If you’re not the type who can and wants this kind of schedule, that’s something to consider before accepting a job. So before accepting an offer, research the position and make sure you fully understand the hours that are expected in the role, where and how you can get their work done, and the overall nature of the job.There's a balance to be struck where it comes to work and rest, but in the United States, values and laws are already slanted drastically in favor of work. I would advise those concerned about Americans' dignity, freedom and independence to not focus on compelling work for benefits or otherwise trying to marshal people into jobs when what they really need are health care, housing assistance, unemployment benefits and so forth. Instead, we should focus more of our political energies on making sure that American workers have the dignity of rest, the freedom to enjoy their lives outside of labor and independence from the whims of their employers.
Which of the following can be inferred from the words of the author?
Work life balance is a concept which is hyped now-a-days and companies are trying to implement it to a great extent.
Work life balance is a bait used by organizations to capture the attention of employees and make them work at a lower cost
American laws are strictly against the concept of work-life balance and they focus more on work and increasing productivity.
View SolutionAnswer question on the basis of your understanding of the following paragraph and the related studied concepts.
Eletric field around a single charges or a charges configuration can be pictorially mapped by drawing electric field lines in space. An electric field line is, in general, a curve drawn in such a way that the tangent to it at each point is in the direction of the net. field point. An arrow on the curve is obviously necessary to specify the direction of electric field from the two possible directions indicated by a tangent to the curve. A field line is a space curve i.e., a curve in three dimensions.
Electric field lines may be taken to be continous curve without any breaks. Relative density (i.e. closeness) of the field lines at different points indicate the relative strength of electric field at those points. The field lines crowd where the field is strong and are spaced apart where it is weak.
Draw electric field lines due to an electric dipole and mark their directions.
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