A solution contains a mixture of Ag+(0.10M) and Hg2+2(0.10M) which are to be separated by selective precipitation. Calculate the miximum concentreation of iodide ion at which one of them gets precipitated almost completely. What % of that metal ion is precipitated ? (KSPofAgI=8.5×1017 and KSP of Hg2I2=2.5×1026)

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[I] required to start prepitation og AgI = 8.5×10170.10=8.5×1016M
[I]required to start precipitation of HgI2=2.5×10260.10=5×1013M
The above calculation indicates that lower [I] is required for precipitation of AgI. When [I] reaches to 5×103 ,AgI gets precipitated almost completely.
When HgI2 starts precipitating.
%Ag+ p r ecip i ta t e d = 100 - 0.17 = 99.83


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