A double pan window used for insulating a room thermally from outside consists of two glass sheets each of area 1 m2 and thickness 0.01m separated by 0.05 m thick stagnant air space. In the steady state, the room-glass interface and the glass-outdoor interface are at constant temperatures of 27∘C and 0∘C respectively. The thermal conductivity of glass is 0.8Wm−1K−1 and of air 0.08Wm−1K−1. Answer the following questions.
(a) Calculate the temperature of the inner glass-air interface.
(b) Calculate the temperature of the outer glass-air interface.
(c) Calculate the rate of flow of heat through the window pane.
The correct Answer is:(i) 41.5
(ii) 26.48, 0.52
Let θ1andθ2 be the temperatures of the two interfaces as shown in figure
Thermal resistance, R=lKA
and R2=(0.05)(0.08)(1)=0.625∘C/W
Now, the rate of heat flow (dQdt) will be equal from all
the three sections and since rate of heat flow is given by
dQdt=Temperature differenceThem alresistanceand(dQdt)1=(dQdt)2=(dQdt)3
Therefore , 27−θ10.0125=θ1−θ20.625=θ2−00.0125
Solving this equation, we get θ1=26.48∘Candθ2=0.52∘C
and dQdt=27−θ10.0125⇒dQdt=(27−26.48)0.0125=41.5W
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