Two balls having linear momenta →p1=pˆi and →p2=−pˆi, undergo a collision in fre space. There is no external force acting on the ball. Let →p′1 and →p′2 be their final moment. Which of the following option(s) is (are) NOT ALLOWED for an non zero value of p,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1 and c2.
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The correct Answer is:A, D
Initial momentum of the system. , →p1+→p2=0
Therefore, final momentum →p′1+→p′2 should also be zero.
Option (b) is allowed because if we put C1=−C2≠0,→p′1→p′2 will be zero. Similarly, we can check other options. Hence correct options are (a) and (d).
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Two balls , having linear momenta →p1=pˆi and →p2=−pˆi , undergo a collision in free space. There is no external force acting on the balls. Let →p1 and →p2, be their final momenta. The following option(s) is (are) NOT ALLOWED for any non -zero value of p,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1 and c2
(i) →p1=a1ˆi+b1ˆj+c1ˆk,→p2=a2ˆi+b2ˆj
(ii) →p1=c1→k,→p2=c2ˆk
(iii) →p1=a1ˆi+b1ˆj+c1ˆk,→p2=a2ˆi+b2ˆj−c1ˆk
(iv) →p1=a1ˆi+b1ˆj,→p2=a2ˆi+b1ˆjA(i),(ii)B(ii),(iii)C(iii),(iv)D(i),(iv)The balls, having linear momenta →p1=→πand→p2_2=−→π, undergo a collision in free space. There is no external force acting on the balls. Let →p'1and→p'2 be their final momenta.The following option (s) is (are) NOT ALLOWED for any non-zero value of p,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1andc2.
→p'2=a2ˆi+b1ˆjLet →p=3ax2ˆi−2(x−1)ˆj,q=b(x−1)ˆi+xˆj and ab<0. Then →p and →q are parallel for:
Aatleast one x in (0,1)Batleast one x in (−1,0)Catleast one x in (1,2)DNone of these
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