John invested a sum of money at an annual simple interest arte of 10%. At the end of four years the amont invested plys interest earned was 770. The amount =invested was:(जॉन ने एक धनराशि को 10 % वार्षिक साधारण बियाज की दर से निवेशित किया। चार वर्षो बाद राशि, बियाज सहित रुपया 770 हो जाता है तदनुसार वह कितने थी )
(c ) Let the amount invested(माना की निवेश की शेष राशि) =Rs P
Accordingt to the question, P+P×10×4100=770
Hence Required invested amount(तक)=550
Alterante (वैकल्पिक विधि )
Interest in 4 years=1×4=4
According to the question,
The amount invested =550
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