Read each statement below carefully and state with reason and examples, if it is true or false. A scalar quantity is one that (a) is conserved in a process (b) can never take negative values (c ) must be dimensionless (d) does not vary from one point to another in space (e ) has the same value for observers with different orientations of axes.
(i) The statement is false, because there are some scalar quantities which can be negative in a process. For example, temperature being scalar quantity can be negative (–30∘C,–4∘C), charge being scalar can also be negative.
(ii) The statement is false, there are large number of scalar quantities which may not be dimensionless. For example, mass, density, charge etc. being scalar quantities have dimensions.
(iii) The statement is false as there are some scalar quantities which vary from one point to another in space. For example, temperature, gravitational potential, density of a fluid or anisotropic medium, charge density vary from point to point.
(iv) The statement is true, orientation of axes does not change the value of a scalar quantity. For example, mass is independent of the coordinate axes.
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