The density of water at the surface of ocean is ρ . If the bulk modulus of water is B, then the density of ocean water at depth, when the pressure at a depth is αp0 and p0 is the atmospheric pressure is
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The correct Answer is:A
Pressure at the surface of the ocean the =P0, atmospheric pressure.
Pressure at a depth =nP0(given).
Increase in pressure (△P)=nP0−P0=(n−1)P0
Let V be the volume of a certain mass M of water at the surface, so that M=ρv
The decrease in volume under increased pressure (△P)=△V=V△PB
Volume of the same mass M of water at the given depth is V'=V−△V=V−V△PB=V(1−△PB)=VB(B−△P)
Density of water at the depth is ρ'=MV=ρvV'=ρV(VB(B−△P))=ρBB−△P=ρBB−(n−1)P0
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