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Explain any two theory of root apical meristem.

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Root Apical Meristem:
Root apex is present opposite to the shoot apex Roots contain root cap at their apices and the apical meristem is present below the root cap. Different theories proposed to explain root apical meristem organization is given below.
1. Apical Cell Theory:
i. Apical cells theory is proposed by Nageli, the single apical cell or apical initial composes the root meristem.
ii. The apical initial is tetrahedral in shape and produces root cap from one side.
The remaining three sides produce epidermis, cortex and vascular tissues. it is found in vascular cryptogams.
2. Histogen theory:
i. Proposed by Hanstein (1868) and supported by Strassburgur.
ii. the histogen theory as applied to the root apical meristem speaks of four histogen in the meristem. they are:
a. Dermatogen - it is a outermost layer. it gives rise to root epidermis.
b. Periblem - it is a middle layer. it gives rise to cortex.
c. Plerome - it is innermost layer . it gives rise to stele
d. Calyptrogen - it gives rise to root cap.

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