Write a note on types of chicken breeds. Solution in Tamil
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Types of Chicken breeds: There are more than 100 breeds. The commonly fanned chicken breeds are categorized into five based on the purpose for which it is farmed.
1. Egg layers: These are farmed mainly for the production of egg.
Leghorn: Most popular commercial breed in India and originated from Italy. They are small, compact with a single comb and wattles with white, brown or black colour. They mature early and begin to lay eggs at the age of 5 or 6 months. Hence these preferred in commercial farms. They can also thrive well in dry areas.
Chittagong : Chiefly found in West Bengal. They are golden or light yellow coloured. The beak is long and yellow in colour. Ear lobes and wattles are small and red in colour.
2. Broiler type: These are well known for fast growth and soft quality meat.
White Plymouth rock: They have white plumage throughout the body. It is commonly used in broiler production. This is an American breed.
3. Dual purpose breeds: These are for both meat and egg production purpose.
Brahma : Popularly known for its massive body having heavy bones, well feathered and proportionate body. Pea comb is one of the important breed characters. It has two common varieties namely, Light Brahma and Dark Brahma.
4. Game breeds: Since ancient times, special breed of roosters have been used for the sport of cockfighting.
Aseel : This breed is white or black in colour. The hens are not good egg layers but are good in incubation of eggs. It is found in all states of India. Aseel is noted for its pugnacity, high stamina, and majestic gait and dogged fighting qualities. This breed is well-known for their meat qualities.
5. Ornamental breeds : Ornamental chicken are reared as pets and used for egg production and meat.
Silkie: It is a breed of chicken has a typical fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. has numerous additional special characters, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, while the majority chickens only have four. Exhibited in poultry shows, and come out in various colours. It is especially simple to maintain as pets.
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