Predict the effects of removal of pancreas from the human body. Solution in Tamil

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Pancreas is a composite gland which performs both exocrine endocrine functions.
2. It is located just below the stomach as a leaf like structure. The pancreas is composed of two major tissues such the acini and Islets of langerhans
3. Acini secretes difestive enzymes and the islets of langerhans secretes hormones like Insulin and glucagon.
4. If pancreas is removed the process of digestion will be incompleter since pancreatic enzymes play a major role in completion of digestion process in small intestine . Conversion of digested food into soluble substances is needed to enable absorption in the small intestine . This is the exocrine function of pancreas
5. As an endocrine gland the removal of pancreas will impact the glucose level of the blood since insulin and glucagon hormones work antagonistically to maintain blood sugar . level Increase or decrease in blood sugar level will lead to severe disorders and cells will not be able to get required amout of glucose from blood for their metabolic activities.
