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Explain the industrial and laboratory preparation of benzene and toluene.

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Preparation of benzene :
(i) Industrial preparation of benzene from coal tar :
Coal tar is a viscous liquid obtained by the pyroluysis of coal . During fractional distillation , coal tar is heated and distills away its volatile compounds namely benzene, toluene, xylene in the temperture range of 350 to 443K. These vapours are collected at the upper part of the fractionating column
(ii) From acetylene :
Acetylene on passing through a red- hot tube trimerises to give benzene.
3CHCHAcetyleneRed Hot Iron tube−−−−−−−−−−873K ocr_image
(iii) Laboratory methods of preparing benzene and toluene
(A) Decarboxylaation of aromatic acid.
When sodium benzoate in heated with sodalim, benzene vapours distil over.
C6H5COONaSodium benzoate+NaOHCaOC6H6Benzene+Na2CO3
(b) Preparation of benzene from phenol
When phenol vapours are passed over zinc dust, then it is reduced to benzene.
(c) Wurtz -Fittig reaction :
When a solution of bromo benzene and iodo methane in dry ether is treated with metallic sodium, toluene is formed.
C6H5BrBromo benzene+2Na+ICH3etherIodo methaneC6H6CH3Toluene+NaBR+NaI
(d) Friedel Craft's reaction :
When benzene is treated with methyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride,toluene is formed.

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