What is Peltier effect ?Solution in Tamil
(i) When an electric current is passed through a circit o a thermocopule, heat is evolved at one juction and absorbed at the other junction. This is known as Peltier effect.
(ii) In the Cu-Fe thermocopule the junctions A and B are maintained at the same temperature.
(iii) Let a current from a battery flow through the thermocouple. At the junction A, where the current flows from Cu to Fe, heat is absorbed and the juction A becomes cold.
(iv) At the junction B,where the current flows from Fe to Cu heat is liberated and it becomes hot.
(v) When the direction of current is reversed, junction A gets heated and junction B gets cooled as shown in the figure 2.36 (b). Hence Peltier effect is reversible.
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View SolutionThermoelectricity refers to a phenomenon that occur at the junctions of dissimilar conductors or within a single conductor, when a temperature difference exists between the junctions or across a conductor. There are three thermogalvanic effects, namely Seebeck effect, Peltier effect and Thomson effect. They involve conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy or vica versa. They are all reversible in contrast with the Joule effect which is irrevesible. Seebeck effect is the superposition of Peltier effect and Thomson effect. In a thermocouple, if the two junctions are maintained at a potential difference, a temperature difference is established, i.e. heat is generated at one junction and absorbed at the other junction. This is called Peltier effect and its converse is the Seebeck effect. The relationship between the. thermo-emf across the junction and the temperature difference is parabolic.
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View SolutionThermoelectricity refers to a phenomenon that occur at the junctions of dissimilar conductors or within a single conductor, when a temperature difference exists between the junctions or across a conductor. There are three thermogalvanic effects, namely Seebeck effect, Peltier effect and Thomson effect. They involve conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy or vica versa. They are all reversible in contrast with the Joule effect which is irrevesible. Seebeck effect is the superposition of Peltier effect and Thomson effect. In a thermocouple, if the two junctions are maintained at a potential difference, a temperature difference is established, i.e. heat is generated at one junction and absorbed at the other junction. This is called Peltier effect and its converse is the Seebeck effect. The relationship between the. thermo-emf across the junction and the temperature difference is parabolic.
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View SolutionThermoelectricity refers to a phenomenon that occur at the junctions of dissimilar conductors or within a single conductor, when a temperature difference exists between the junctions or across a conductor. There are three thermogalvanic effects, namely Seebeck effect, Peltier effect and Thomson effect. They involve conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy or vica versa. They are all reversible in contrast with the Joule effect which is irrevesible. Seebeck effect is the superposition of Peltier effect and Thomson effect. In a thermocouple, if the two junctions are maintained at a potential difference, a temperature difference is established, i.e. heat is generated at one junction and absorbed at the other junction. This is called Peltier effect and its converse is the Seebeck effect. The relationship between the. thermo-emf across the junction and the temperature difference is parabolic.
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