"Any interruption", by indulging in a conflict with nations small or big, would not only damage but "derail the levels" of progress that is essential to achieve this objective.
by indulging in a conflict with nations small or big
would not only damage but
progress that is essential
to achieve this objective
The correct Answer is:C
Replace "is" with "are". Plural verb should be used here.. That 'are' essential to achieve this objective. Also do not get confused with "not only" case, there is no error in this. Case of 'not only' 'but also' (or its alternatives) or not, both forms are commons and standard. Hence, the parentheses in but (also), which could also be written as (but) also, since but sometimes doesn't appear either.
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Knowledge Check
Analyze the information given below, considering one of the following correct options: 'The idea of development or progress has always been with us. We have aspirations or desires about what we would like to do and how we would like to live. Similarly, we have ideas about what a country should be like. What are the essential things that we require ? Can life be better for all ? How should people live together ? Can there be more equality ? Development involves thinking about these questions and about the ways in which we can work towards achieving these goals.'
ADevelopmentBProgressCAspirationsDDesiresA Statement is given followed by two Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statement : In the present period of economic hardships, education and small family norm may lead the nation to progress.
I. Education and small family norm are directly related to nation's progress.
II. Big families find it difficult to bear the cost of education.AOnly I is implicitBOnly II is implicitCBoth I and II are implicitDNeither I nor II is implicitThe havoc ofrecurring famines and the subsequentimpact of devastating floods are major impediments in the path of social and economic progress of India. No doubt, the nation has made great strides in the judicious use of water,whether it is irrigation to fulfil the objective of food security or water conservation for rain-fed crops or drinking water or ground water for industrial and agricultural purposes. How-ever, the demand for water is more than the available and sustainable supply. It is so because water resources are not managed by integrated suitable methods for multipurposes.
India has achieved success in channelising its water resources.AIf the inference is definite.", true! i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given.Bif the inference is probably true' though not definitely true in the light of the facts givenCIf the 'data are inadequate, i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or falseDIf the inference is probably false, though not 'definitely false in the light of the facts given.
Toyota follows certain well-defined business principles guiding its functioning. These are:
1. Honour the language and spirit of law of every nation and undertake open and fair corporate activities to be a good corporate citizen around the world.
2. Respect the culture and customs of every nation and contribute to economic and social development through corporate activities in local communities
3. To provide clean and safe products and to enhance the quality of life everywhere.
4. Create and develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding products and services that fulfil the needs of customers worldwide.
5. Foster a corporate culture that enhances individual creativity and teamwork value, while honouring mutual trust and respect between management and labour.
6. Pursue growth and harmony with global community through innovative management.
7. Work with business partners in research and creativity to achieve stable, long-term growth and mutual benefits and be open to new partnerships. These principles, will guide the company in its global vision 2010. This global vision envisages continuous innovations in future, use of environment friendly technologies, respecting and working with different sections of society and establishing an interactive relationship with society.
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View SolutionThe question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.
P: They are moving ahead with specific instruments for loss and damage they suffer due to destructive climate-linked events.
Q: Early studies also suggest that it is on track to achieve the national pledge under the 2015 Paris Agreement for a 33-35% cut in emissions intensity per unit of growth from the same base year by 2030, and thus heed the 2∘ C warming goal.
R: As the 23rd conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn shifts into high gear, developing countries including India are focussing on the imperatives of ensuring adequate financing for mitigation and adaptation.
S: India's progress in reducing the intensity of its greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 20-25% from 2005 levels by 2020, based on the commitment made in Copenhagen in 2009 has been positive
View SolutionThe questions below consist of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.
P: They are moving ahead with specific instruments for loss and damage they suffer due to destructive climate-linked events.
Q: Early studies also suggest that it is on track to achieve the national pledge under the 2015 Paris Agreement for a 33-35% cut in emissions intensity per unit of growth from the same basė year by 2030, and thus heed the 2∘C warming goal.
R: As the 23rd conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn shifts into high gear, developing countries including India are focussing on the imperatives of ensuring adequate financing for mitigation and adaptation.
S: India.s progress in reducing the intensity of its greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 20-25% from 2005 levels by 2020, based on the commitment "made in Copenhagen in 2009 has been positive.
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