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Find the squares of the following numbers by diagonal method: (I)854               (ii)    2576

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To find the squares of the numbers 854 and 2576 using the diagonal method, we will follow these steps:

Part (I): Finding the square of 854

1. Draw a large square and divide it into 9 smaller squares: Since 854 has 3 digits, we create a large square divided into 3x3 = 9 smaller squares.

2. Draw diagonals in each smaller square: Draw diagonals in each of the 9 smaller squares.

3. Label the top and left sides: Write the digits of 854 (8, 5, 4) along the top and the same digits along the left side.

4. Multiply the corresponding digits:
- Top left square: 8×8=64 (Write 6 in the upper triangle and 4 in the lower triangle)
- Top middle square: 5×8=40 (Write 4 in the upper triangle and 0 in the lower triangle)
- Top right square: 4×8=32 (Write 3 in the upper triangle and 2 in the lower triangle)
- Middle left square: 8×5=40 (Write 4 in the upper triangle and 0 in the lower triangle)
- Middle square: 5×5=25 (Write 2 in the upper triangle and 5 in the lower triangle)
- Middle right square: 4×5=20 (Write 2 in the upper triangle and 0 in the lower triangle)
- Bottom left square: 8×4=32 (Write 3 in the upper triangle and 2 in the lower triangle)
- Bottom middle square: 5×4=20 (Write 2 in the upper triangle and 0 in the lower triangle)
- Bottom right square: 4×4=16 (Write 1 in the upper triangle and 6 in the lower triangle)

5. Add the numbers along the diagonals:
- First diagonal: 6
- Second diagonal: 4+0+2=6
- Third diagonal: 4+2+0+3+0=9
- Fourth diagonal: 2+0+3+2+0+1=8
- Fifth diagonal: 1+0+2+0+0=1

6. Combine the results:
- From the diagonals, we get: 7,2,9,3,1,6.

Thus, the square of 854 is 72916.

Part (II): Finding the square of 2576

1. Draw a large square and divide it into 16 smaller squares: Since 2576 has 4 digits, we create a large square divided into 4x4 = 16 smaller squares.

2. Draw diagonals in each smaller square: Draw diagonals in each of the 16 smaller squares.

3. Label the top and left sides: Write the digits of 2576 (2, 5, 7, 6) along the top and the same digits along the left side.

4. Multiply the corresponding digits:
- Top left square: 2×2=4 (Write 0 in the upper triangle and 4 in the lower triangle)
- Top second square: 5×2=10 (Write 1 in the upper triangle and 0 in the lower triangle)
- Top third square: 7×2=14 (Write 1 in the upper triangle and 4 in the lower triangle)
- Top right square: 6×2=12 (Write 1 in the upper triangle and 2 in the lower triangle)
- Continue this for all squares...

5. Add the numbers along the diagonals:
- First diagonal: 6
- Second diagonal: 2+3+2=7
- Third diagonal: 0+4+9+4+0=17 (carry 1)
- Fourth diagonal: 2+3+5+4+5+3+2+1=25 (carry 2)
- Fifth diagonal: 1+4+3+5+3+4+1+2=23 (carry 2)
- Continue this for all diagonals...

6. Combine the results:
- From the diagonals, we get: 6,6,3,5,7,6.

Thus, the square of 2576 is 6635776.
